Personalized tutoring for success!
Cram Coach Tutoring is looking to expand our team of young professional tutors to cater to the growing demand of students we've had from Miami-Dade Public and Private Schools. Cram Coach Tutoring was acknowledged in 2017 by Forbes Magazine to participate in their "Under 30 Summit" where they were recognized as one of 2017 newest growing businesses with a purpose to make a positive change. We are a small team and growing very quickly, our official Job Application deadline is November 18, 2021. We will train our new team member in everything SAT related, we only ask for serious applicants who can commit to working 10-12 months.
Job Description and Tasks
The job entails explaining SAT practice test problems in Math, Reading or Grammar to all of our students.
Assistance in proctoring our Saturday morning practice exams.
Assistance in Social Media marketing ideas through Instagram and TikTok.
Assistance in grading papers/ office tasks.
Applicant Requirements
High School Senior (Honors, I.B., Cambridge, Dual Enrollment or Triple A program)
College Student 18+ (Miami-Dade Honors, Florida International University or University of Miami)
Minimum of 3.5 Weighted High School GPA or 3.3 College GPA.
SAT Score of 1200 or above
Must have their own method of transportation.
Must be able to work 6-8 hours a week minimum
Characteristics: Patient with students, has leadership skills, fast-learner, team player and responsible!
Pay Rate and Additional benefits
Paid Training
$14 per hour starting pay-rate (pay raise after 5 continuous SAT Programs with us)
Flexible schedule, we can work with your current school/ college schedule.
Gain experience in the Business, Education, Finance and Customer Service Field!
Please feel free to contact us directly at (786) 383-6706 for any questions or email your resume directly to