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Saturday Exam Makeup Instructions !
Students who are missing the 1/25 LIVE Virtual Exam
This makeup email is in effort for the students missing our first Saturday Morning Proctored Exam.
The bubble sheets below must be turned in latest by Sunday 12PM in order to be graded.
We will not be grading/ scoring late exceptions!
This is only a practice exam! Try your best!. And show your work! For this first Saturday Proctored Exam we are using: Kaplan Exam 1
Please proctor your own exam/ parent can also proctor student at home.
Abide by the times below:
Digital SAT Proctored Exam: REGULAR TIME
Reading/ Grammar Module 1 max is 32 mins
Reading/ Grammar Module 2 max is 32 mins
~10 min break~
Math Module 1 max is 35 mins
Math Module 2 max is 35 mins
Total 2 hours & 14 mins
*You can use your calculator or desmos. However you cannot use your phone.
Desmos website:
Digital SAT Proctored Exam: EXTENDED TIME (Time and a half)
Reading/ Grammar Module 1 max is 32 mins + 16 mins= 48 mins
Reading/ Grammar Module 2 max is 32 mins +16 mins= 48 mins
~10 min break~
Math Module 1 max is 35 mins +18 mins= 53 mins
Math Module 2 max is 35 mins +18 mins= 53 mins
Total 3 hours & 36 mins
*You can use your calculator or desmos. However you cannot use your phone.
Desmos website:
*The answer sheets are below please access them in order! Be careful confusing the modules.
For Ipad users please download and save it. You can write on your own exam.
For Book users, you can access it from your screen, no need to print if you don't want to. We have copies at the office, we typically lend it to you in class while working on corrections. Please show your math calculations in a separate notebook and bring it to class.
SUPER IMPORTANT: Write your name exactly the same on both Answer Sheets (do not use nicknames or mis-spelling)
Reading/ Grammar Answer Sheet : Module 1 & Module 2
Math Answer Sheet : Module 1 & Module 2
If you have any questions please text me (786)383-6706 at your earliest convenience. Once again this is due by Sunday 12PM if you can't make it to the LIVE exam. .